The most exciting news about „Gymmy the Owl and His Friends…“ is that this book was exhibited at Frankfurt Book Fair 2019, Germany. This exhibition was organized by Global Summit House (USA). I am so thankful for the great opportunity to present my books at one of the biggest in World Books Festival.
(Frankfurt Book Fair 2019)
This interview was taken by Global Summit House specialists. They were so professional and organized a very sincere discussion about me as an Author and about my books published in the United States. The goal was to advertise my Little Gymmy the Owl, but the interviewers during this interview goes so deeply and doing that make a real overview all of my books include „One Coach’s Journey from East to West…“. I was so excited and made my interview from one attempt! Just click on the link below and listen what I said…
Hello, People ! The Podcast Interview is already on the Air! Me and my Little Gymnastics Instructor Gymmy the Owl are flying having fun talking publicly to the real lovers of the Animals and a Sport of Artistic Gymnastics as well. The Global Summit House made an amazing work issuing the first Interview which personally I am considering as very important and produced in time! For sure, it was very hard to include in one interview all possible questions and answers. This is why another interview with intriguing questions about background of the book and it’s influence on the process of the Teaching little kids and education their Parents are expected very soon.
I hope my first interview will have a lot of responds from the people who really wish to increase their basics knowledge in Gymnastics and people who are taking care during their life of the Animals which surrounded them…
But before everybody can listen the Podcast Interview, I am really pleased to present a very recent Press Release about my Little Gymmy and His Friends prepared by Global Summit House, which was published and distributed to the hundreds of Media Resources across the USA on May 25, 2020
Vladimir Zaglada Introduces the World of Gymnastics through Nature’s Master Gymnasts in ‘Gymmy the Owl and His Friends
May 25, 2020 – Celebrated Soviet gymnastics master Vladimir Zaglada is pleased to introduce the world to nature’s very own master gymnasts, the friendly neighborhood dog, cats, squirrels, little owls, and more. Children and adults will appreciate his introduction to the basic concepts of gymnastics and human flexibility in the just-launched book, ‘Gymmy the Owl and His Friends: Tales in Rhyme About the Animal Kingdom’s Natural Gymnasts.’
“Gymmy the Owl and his Friends” is an interactive book achieved using educational blocks. The blocks inform and educate the readers about basic gymnastics skills and physical abilities needed to achieve these. For example, the ‘splits,’ the ‘handstand’ or the ‘bridge’ can be easily understood because each little poem is followed by the training page with wide advice and recommendations.
“The poems are fun to read, and the reader also gets acquainted not only with the form of the movements but also with the correct gymnastic terminology,” says Vladimir.
Children of any age can understand the forms and the rhythm of life through Mother Nature and her very own gymnastics school. With illustrator Katya’s skills, gymnastic apparatus can be seen embedded in natural environments like forests or the sea, showing some amazing natural gymnasts of the animal kingdom!
The analogy of the animal gymnasts runs truly deep. For instance, in modern gymnastics, a very difficult jump is referred to as the ‘butterfly jump’ in ballet, dance, and gymnastics.
Only eight years after the first publication of the book, Vladimir Zaglada was named the pedagogical mentor and Technical Director of BIO Gymnastics & Athletics Unlimited based in Cumming, Georgia. He subsequently celebrated another milestone in his life – becoming the happiest Granddaddy. The club has become his second home, unlashing Vladimir’s creativity, and the facility has become something like a University of Gymnastics Art.
In ‘Gymmy the Owl and His Friends’ teaches the basics of gymnastics through frogs that leap, grab and land like gymnasts. Squirrels reveal their amazing gymnastics gifts, and butterflies showcase their flying lessons, and dolphins reveal their natural skills. There are hedgehogs and grasshoppers too. The book also offers explanations of human flexibility and its pros and cons, and the value of hands and legs.
“Gymnastics opens the doors to uplifting achievements, which can only be compared to your first steps and first words. Once you enter the gym, you will never want to leave,” says the author.
Vladimir Zaglada was a part of the celebrated Soviet gymnastics during its heydays. More information about Dr. Vladimir Zagdala, Ph.D., Merited Coach of Russia, USSR Master of Sport, his current work and activities can be accessed at
Another great job done by Global Summit House is Podcast Interview, participation in which was really successful. I hope that one day this company will made another interview as they promised.
January 10, 2021
I am happy to inform all visitors of my website and particularly, the page about „Gymmy the Owl and His Friends…“, that their Journey are extended to the beautiful country in South America, Republic of Ecuador.
The most important steps to make their travel successful already done. Below is an original book cover of the exsisting English Version:
The next image presented the cover for the Spanish Compilation of the Gymmy’s Journey to the Galapagos Islands, known as a Treasure of the Mother Nature!
At this time I am using one more picture of this interesting and very intriguing Spanish Version’s book cover, without any other details, because the book is on the process to be published:
Just watch on the book cover and be happy that „famous“ Gymnastics Instructor „Gymmy the Owl“ crossed thousands miles across the Ocean and make steps into the country of Ecuador in order to make a huge cultural exchange with unique animals living in Galapagos Islands…
Below is the copy of the document which presented Dr. Vladimir Zaglada as an Ambassador of the A.U.F.F.F ( Spanish Version):
The AUFFF is an amazing Association trying to make positive changes in Ecuadorian People’s Lives using EDUCATION as a one of the most successful Pedagogical tools.
The Leaders of this organization are Ambassadors of the Culture, Education, Health and Medical Services. They are considering Physical Culture and Sport, Fitness Dance and different kind of Physical Activities as an integral part of their program which can move the Ecuadorian People to the right path which they deserved.
My name is Gymmy the Owl! I am talking to my new Ecuadorian Friends :
Coach Vladster already said that the Spanish Version of my Journey to the Galapagos Islands on its way to be published… Everything and everybody are Ready to Go… Are you ready to read!?
Coach Manuel Rojas Basan, as one of the most enthusiastic Ambassadors of AUFFF and Leader of this project made an immediate comments, which sounds to me AWESOME!
[…] Wonderful news for the Spanish community. All of us are proud and honored with Vladster perspective. With a perspective of evolution we see a tremendous influence of the author Zaglada on the Physical culture, art and conservation of this nature’s paradise called Ecuador.
We believe on a new peaceful world, as we believe in Eduaction’s leaders as Vladster and because of that we are working deeply motivated with altruism to make sure GYMMY LEARNS THE GOD’S LANGUAGE…our mother tong: THE SPANISH […]
January 19th, 2021
I never forget the day when I saw in the internet the photo of the Baby’s Bedroom inside of which parents of the kids made the Life Tree, which looks similar to the picture on my „Gymmy the Owl…“ Book Cover
It was happend in time when my „Gymmy the Owl and His Friends…“ already flights across the United States and over the World.
I was very happy to see how quick my dreams come through, even this Family made it without any influence of my book. I put two pictures together and very happy today that I have an opportunity to present this amazing collage:
Just let you know that Coach Manny from Ecuador already made a compilations of the original pictures from my book and located it on the walls and doors of his Gym in Quito, Ecuador.
Moreover he made some of his own ( very original ) drawings of the
I hope that as soon as the Spanish Version of „Gymmy the Owl and His Friends…“ will be published, such a „Life Trees“ will be created in many Ecuadorian Houses.
It is my Human & Author Mission in order to make kids from around the World Strong, Healthy and Happy!
But , back to the ECUADOR as a next country of the Gymmy’s Journey. Just watch at the picture I created about possible first steps of Gymmy’s Team to an amazing Land of Ecuador:
Thanks Giant Turtle! We are so glad to make our steps into the Treasure of the Nature, Galapagos Islands! Please, make a huge noise to the World of Gymnastics that we are… almost there!
Yes, we are almost there, because we are waiting for the smart Spanish speaking Publisher who will publish book about our New Journey to the country of the Big Surprises, country of pure impressions, country where water is pure, and minds are clear off the stupid opinions and rumors.
The People of Ecuador are living for hundreds of years without tonns of the wrong thoughts! They are living despite of the criminals and the life distortios happened in South America within hundreds of years ! They are living … because they don’t have another choise how to survive except WORKING HARD & BELIEVE IN OUR GOD!
I am so happy that my Gymnastics Expert Gymmy the Owl will talk about Artistic Gymnastics very soon.